Friday, March 1, 2013

Five for Friday March 1

Happy March!!!! Can you believe it? I can't.  I also can't believe it's Friday!  The week flew!  Here's my Five for Friday! This afternoon, I will again be linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching.

I feel like the week was uneventful but yet, my camera on my Iphone is a P.o.S. so I had to use my digital camera and that's just a hassle.

1.  Yesterday, we made my "Lucky Dog" craft and did the writing that comes with it.  
2.  Um, have you seen or tried these? I about died when I spotted them in the freezer section.  They are seriously awesome!  Get some.  Now.
3.  My teaching partner (well she left me for kinder this year....but...she was my partner for 6 years) had her first child last weekend! So exciting!  Congrats, Lindsey!!  P.S. How do you feel about my short hair? I don't think I would be ballsy enough to do it again even though I had it short for many years.
4.  I found out that I am going to be teaching Turbo in my school district. I've told you before how much I heart it! I think I am starting next week! Ahhh!!!!!!! #panicmode
5.  Today we are celebrating you-know-whose birthday!  I'll be back next week with photos to showcase what we did!  One thing we ARE doing is Cupcake's birthday craft! It's so cute and doesn't discuss any specific character (ahem....).

Have a great weekend!


  1. I think your hair looks great either way! Thanks for the love!! Can't wait to see them! :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  2. So much fun in one week!! I love that craftivity too.

  3. Love the hair, bears and definitely checking out the bananas. Yum! Happy Friday!

    Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  4. I've tasted those bananas-YUM!!! FYI-I think they sell them in a huge box at Costco! :)

    Your bears turned out great. They are very festive.

    Love the short hair. Simply adorable!

    Granny Goes to School

  5. I just started TurboKick this week - it's so awesome! And those bananas look delish!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  6. Your Lucky Dog craft looks AWESOME! My firsties will love it! It was nice finding you through the 5 for Friday linky! I have been stalking, I mean following your blog for a while and love all your ideas!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  7. Those bananas look great! Gotta love all of cupcake's projects--I do too!!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten


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