Friday, February 22, 2013

Five for Friday February 22

I am doing it again! Ahhhh 2 blog posts in 1 day......eeekkk!!!!! It is almost Saturday, so I think I am ok.  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday again this week.  I had a majorly short week, so my Five for Friday is kinda lame...

1. We began digging into our Non-Fiction Writing: All About Books.  Students previewed lots of non-fiction books to get ideas for their animal stories.  I heart this type of writing! I have a great  non-fiction writing pack.  Check it out below.

2.  We have been breaking out the old Nintendo lately!! Tonight we picked up "Monopoly" and have been playing it off and on all evening!  Do you still have yours? Do you play?  {My score is the top!}

3.  We have a new cupcake shop near our house called Moore Dessert Please.  The owner was on "Cupcake Wars" a few times!  I stopped in to get a treat for us last night...Samoa Girl Scout cookie was amazing!  My hubby had the Thin Mint one {and then puked it up later due to laughter}. *Missy Squirrels!

4.  I got this sa-weet pocket chart from Learning Resources  {BTW they are having a sale this weekend: buy one get one 50% off}.  It's a Venn Diagram on one side and a T-chart on the other! We used it on Tuesday to compare and contrast Lincoln and Washington! P.S. What's wrong with my Iphone camera???

5.  I had a migraine Wednesday and didn't go to work.  Seriously. Short. Week.  Told you my Five would be lame.



  1. I've had a headache for 3 days now. I guess it's a tension headache according to that chart. Ugh. Hope it goes away soon!

    Extra Special Teaching

  2. I finally parted with my Nintendo a few years ago. It was really painful! I love me some Super Mario Bros. 3 though! I even had a magazine that gave you hints...

    Bummer on the migraine! I don't wish them on anyone!

  3. I am so sorry you weren't feeling well... such a bummer! I love the the Venn pocket chart. I think I'm going to have to make one.

    Granny Goes to School

  4. I can relate to the camera..... I had the same thing and brought it to apple & they removed a thin piece of plastic from the lens. Did you have it fixed recently?

  5. Woah - I love that pocket chart. Who knew they made Venn Diagram ones. Thanks for sharing :)

    We started non-fiction last week and we love your pack! I cannot wait to see the final products.

    Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hope it clears out soon!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  6. I miss my old Nintendo! We downloaded the old Super Mario Brothers on our Wii. So fun!

    Live Love Laugh and Teach!

  7. It was a very short week! I am sorry about your migraine:( My sister gets them a lot and I feel so bad when she has one. I caught a cold from all the lovely germs circulating in my class this week, so I am recouping this weekend. Those cupcakes look delish, I may have to bake some today:)

    Surfin' Through Second

  8. are you serious!!? you have the OLD nintendo?? JELLY!!!!

  9. I had a bad migraine week as well - I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy!

    Those cupcakes look amazing!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  10. Hey chic, I thought I was having migraines as well (since Ohio weather is so rough this time of year), but it was blood pressure instead. Make sure to keep yours checked, and I hope you're feeling better.

    Ohh, and the cupcakes? Do you know how close you really are to Double Dee's? ;) SOME DAY chic...someday! ;)

    First Grade and Fabulous

  11. NOT lame at all! Those cupcakes alone are worth the post!! :) The pocket chart is so cool! Oh, how I wish I were rich to buy EVERYTHING I want for my classroom! Thanks for sharing!


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