Friday, February 1, 2013

Five for Friday February 1

Two posts in one day (shhhh!!!)....Whew! It's February? For real?  Where is this year going? I mean, we only have like 8 weeks until Spring Break (not that I am counting ..).  I feel like I have been flying by the seat of my pants all year.  I have a hard time shutting my brain off and can't sit still when it comes to school work!  My poor husband!  It's just so much fun for me, though!

I am once again linking with Doodle Bugs Teaching for "Five for Friday." I didn't have a very eventful week. The weather was blah in Ohio...rain + 65 degrees  then snow + 3 degrees.  Hello, migraine!

1. Last Sunday was the worst day of the year.  So very depressing.  I had to strip my house of the Christmas decor.  It makes me so sad.   Every year...Look at poor Santa in his Christmas closet.  Pathetic, isn't it? This year it was extra sad because I was soo rushed during the holidays that I feel like I barely got to look at it.  Goal for 2013: Do not do so much during the holiday time (is that possible?).

2.  I am happy to announce that I am a brand ambassador for Caroline G!!  Have you seen the stuff? It's seriously adorable! Jewelry and hair accessories!  Anyone who knows me knows that I am jewelry-aholic!  I have the two necklaces shown below.  Today I actually wore the blue and orange one!

You should totally check out the site.  I am able to provide you with 15% off!  Just use code meganw at checkout!!!

3.  We've been busing out Groundhoug activities all week!  I love how I barely did anything for Groundhog Day the past 9 years, but for some reason this year, I went bonkers!  There were so many cute resources out there! My favorite was our little groundhogs that the kids made!

4.  I posted two new products that I am pumped about!  Monthly Daily Sentence Editing! Who doesn't need more resources when it comes to the "Language" CC Standards?

5.  I have a bloggy friend that I want to introduce you to!  You may know her already but if not, you should definitely check out her blog, Granny Goes to School.  Cindy is so sweet and has some great ideas!
This is one I saw on her blog last night and I am DEFINITELY having my kids do for Valentine's Day! Love it!!



  1. Hi! I just checked out your Daily Sentence editing! I put the February in my cart! I am not sure WHERE we will fit it in but I am going to try! Your weather sounds like ours in Iowa! I sure get jealous of the bloggers who talk about 70 degree days! :)

  2. Megan, thanks so much for the shout out. The hearts are so much fun to make. I do hope your kiddos enjoy them.

    Your weather sounds CRAZY! We have great weather here in Arizona (during the winter that is). Our summers are another story... 113+ degrees... I am wondering what's the worst... snow and 3 degrees or sun and 113 degrees???? Neither is too comfortable.

    Hope you have a relaxing and "toasty" weekend at home.

    Granny Goes to School

  3. LOVE your editing units!!! I also live in Ohio-makes my sinuses CRAZY!!!!!!! Looking forward to getting some of your units on Sunday!!!
    Amy Burton

  4. Completely understand the ridiculous weather! All in one week, we've enjoyed sandals, a tornado warning, and a Snow Day - crazy. Hope you're feeling better :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  5. Megan,

    Thanks for sharing! I am heading over to the TPT sale to check out your editing units! My firsties always need more practice!!
    Also thanks for sharing Cindy's blog! I love, love, love the hearts! I'm with you, that is a definate for Valentine's day!

    I happy I found your blog today! Thanks again!

    Laura ~ First Grade Spies

  6. My kiddos did your fabulous Groundhog's Day Asking and Telling Activity today and they loved it! Thanks!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten


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