Friday, January 25, 2013

Five for Friday January 25

I'm linking up again with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!

1. I got to go back to my favorite activity on Monday! Turbo Kick!  I had to take a week off b/c I had the flu.  And I had a surprise when I got there: my bestie, Amy (on the right), came back.  She had taken a long time off b/c she had a baby. For those of you that aren't aware, Turbo is pretty much the shizzle!  I have been taking it for 2 years and love every second!  I am also an instructor!
This is my pal and I when we were many years younger!

2.  It's straight-up winter in Ohio.  On Tuesday we had a 2 hour delay b/c it was -20 with the wind chill or something crazy like that.

3.  Because of the cold, I decided to make chilli this week!  And what's chilli without it's partner, cornbread?

4.  I still haven't celebrated my birthday (even though it's been over for a month) so I was surprised to receive this box from my brother and sis-in-law on Thursday! We are going to try to get together next week to celebrate with my family but everyone's schedules has made it hard (and I was sick!).  Anyone that knows me knows I heart nail polish!  I can't wait to try out those smelly pens and use my chunky note pad!

5.  My kids were engulfed in my Valentine's Day centers this week!  It seems that every month, I don't plan ahead enough for the holiday that's in it, and it creeps up and at the last minute, leaving me with 900 activities to "file for next year."  I am trying to be better and am on the ball with putting out Valentine's Day activities already!

This is my free sentence scramble.  Click the picture to snag your copy! 
This is an activity in my Valentine's Day pack. Click the picture below to view it. 

Happy weekend!  Stay warm!


  1. Your chili looks great! We got winter-weather today, too, but living in small-town America means they cancel school every. single. time. :) Also, Smens are great! I love the Smencils and kids do, too. It's like writing with gold!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  2.'s been cold here in Maine too!! The kids haven't been out ALL week and are going stir crazy!! It's a good thing we had gym today.


  3. I want snow so bad! It is just cold here! I love the gift set you got..what a nice surprise!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

  4. Love the snow, but not those temperatures! Thanks for the Valentine's freebie!

    Learning is for Superstars
    FB page

  5. I am JEALOUS of your delay! As much as I LOVE teaching...I am NOT a morning person! I wish we could start school at 10 or 12! :) I have been hoping for a snow day too just to lounge around! The chili looks so yummy but so does the salad next to it! What is it?? Smens?? I have heard of Smencils but not SMENS!! I HAVE to get some! Thanks for sharing your Five For Friday!

  6. It's been freezing here, too!! And it just started snowing!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  7. I am LOVING your notepad. Do you have any idea where they got it? I have a chunky notepad on my desk that is close to running out :)

  8. MMM...that chili looked delish! ;) I always put sour cream on mine too! ;) I just found your blog through the Friday Five Linky and I am your newest follower! :) I teach firsties too, so I can't wait to read more about your class! :)


  9. The snow looks crazy and I was complaining about the rain.

    The First Grade Princess

  10. mmm that chili looks delish! So NOT jealous of the snow- boooo cold weather! ;) And what a sweet gift- looks like they know you well! LOVE!
    Rowdy in Room 300

  11. Crazy temperatures!! -20... Wow wind chill is terrible!! I think I am going to go to the store and whip up some chili tomorrow. We are having whole chicken tonight!! Yum!!

  12. I so thank that you and I could be friends IRL! ;) You like to bake, cook---I like to bake, and eat! ;)

    We both LOVE our delays (hmm...wonder if we will have one tomorrow or Tuesday?---they are calling for more snow?) ;)

    First Grade and Fabulous


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