Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Classroom Helpers

I don't know about you but over the years I have tried 9 million ways/displays to organize classroom helpers.  For the past several years, I haven't had any helpers.  It was just one extra thing to manage, one extra thing to do every Friday. Plus, half the time when I had jobs, my kids wouldn't remember to do them so it was a big waste of time and space.

This year, with a very large class, I decided I would need some help so I made my "helpers ring."  I purchased some cutouts, slapped the kids' names on them, hole punched, and added a binder ring.  Each day when I change the date on the board, I change the helper of the day.  The helper is in charge of running errands for me, sweeping the floor, and just helping me with anything else I need throughout the day.  Once everyone had cycled through, I mixed up the names.   The kids love the anticipation of who will be the next "helper!"

Grab the hand cutouts below to make your own "Helper of the Day" ring!!   *affiliate link*



  1. I do the exact same thing, except I change the helper once a week. ;0) One helper is so much easier to manage than several. My helper is also the line leader.


  2. I do the same thing but now it's the helper for the week:)

  3. This is a GREAT idea. Pinning it now! :)

  4. I used this same method when I taught! I had a boy helper and a girl helper every day and they were my "go-to friends"! So much easier to manage that system rather than classroom jobs when you have a big class!

    Simple Suburbia

  5. I've been looking for new ideas for a job board now that I am in a new school. I love the idea of having ONE helper a day as opposed to trying to keep up with who is doing which job. Thanks for the idea.


Thanks for your comments!