Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mouse Paint

The first week/two weeks of school, we spend a lot of time reviewing color and number words.  I love reading the book Mouse Paint.  There are lots of opportunities for predicting, and it's a review of colors.  Today, we read the book and did a shared reading of "Paint Puddle," which is a poem I downloaded from Kathy Law's blog.  Love her and her stuff!!!  I'm not sure if Kathy wrote it or found it somewhere.  We read the poem several times, looked for rhymes and color words and then I gave students individual copies.  They got the chance to use their highlighters today, which they were pumped about!!  As a fun little break, the kids chose a color and made their own mice! I found the pattern at TpT.  It's in Jennifer Miller's store.  They had a lot of fun! We'll be re-reading the poem and book again tomorrow.


  1. That is such an adorable display! Mouse paint is such a fun book to read!

    Come check out my Weekly Wednesday freebie!
    Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks

  2. so cute!!!! and who doesn't love to use highlighters??? We are doing color words right now- I might just have to swipe your idea!! :)

    Let's Teach Something

  3. just shared this post on my FB page - we did a mouse paint theme party for my daughter's birthday - it's one of her favorite books!

    ♥ Jen
    The Teacher's Cauldron


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