Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winter Writing-Fun (and freebie!)

I was sure hoping for a snow day yesterday...........but it DIDN'T happen.  So...we decided to write about what we WOULD do if we had a snow day and we made these cute little faces to go with it. My kids did really well, and came up with some cute ideas.

I found this idea online the other day.  I can't remember where it was found because I didn't pin it, as I should have! If it's yours, let me know!!!  I do know that Miss Kindergarten made her own little craft that's available here!

I like how she said she would make a "fresh cup" of cocoa!!!
Love her little teeth! This one has made sooo much progress this year!
Also, just in time for winter is my free "HOW TO BUILD A SNOWMAN" writing activity.  It's part of the how-to writing pack shown below!

If you want a more general pack about introducing "How-to Writing," check out this pack! It's how-to and all about combined.  This is my absolute FAVORITE unit to teach!  The kids shine when working through this unit.  It meets the CCSS writing standards for informational writing.  Please check it out!



  1. Those teeth are absolutely hilarious! What a cute writing activity!
    First Grade Delight

  2. This is too cute! I love those teeth! It is a great writing activity!

    The First Grade Dream

  3. How very cute! I love that all of the people turned out different. I think it's so much more meaningful than templates where all the art is the same. Great job!

    Miss Kindergarten
    My Fabulous Finds

  4. These are adorable! Thanks for sharing! I'm your newest follower!

    Growing Up Teaching

  5. These turned out adorable and those teeth are too cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a new follower. :)

  6. Those teeth are AWESOME! Love so much! I am heading to check out your packet on writing through the holidays!


  7. Thanks for linking up to show and tell this week,my friend. I was hoping for a snow day too, but no such luck in South Florida :/
    Sunny Days In Second Grade


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