Saturday, January 15, 2011

Non-fiction Mania!!

I attended the 1st grade teachers conference in Columbus, Oh this past Monday and Tuesday.  I have to say that it was pretty awesome! But probably one of the best parts of the whole trip was stumbling across this nice little man selling quality non-fiction books for (get this...) $1.00 each!!!! WHAT!?  I had to restrain myself.  I only bought 20, but easily could have bought the whole lot of them! My favorites: Labor Day  and Constitution Day.  Seems like those days pop up and I have to scramble to the library looking for a book.  I have decided that I am a children's lit hoarder.  I get a high from buying kids books.  I think I would rather spend money on them than groceries!! Also, I am running out of room in my personal library at school.  It's time to hit up Really Good Stuff for more of their containers.  Thought I'd share my findings with you all!

1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Wheeler,
    I could have written this post. I also seemed to be obsessed with Kiddie Lit. A $1.00 is a steal. Congrats on your find!


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