Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Personal Library

Aside from my classroom library, I have a "personal library," where I keep books that are near and dear to my heart-many hardback or ones I use often in all subject areas.  In the past, I wasn't really using all of my books as much as I would have liked, because they were all mixed up on my bookshelf.  I bought these tubs from RGS and organized my books according to subject area, seasons, holidays, etc...It makes it so much easier to find books when a certain skill or holiday approaches.  Happy organizing!


  1. I just started following your blog and I think its great. This is my third year in first grade. I thought your organization tip was great! I am always searching for books that I can use for particular lessons and this is a great way to have easy access to them! Thanks for the tip!!!!

  2. Thanks, Brooke!! I am glad you like my blog. I really love being able to share ideas with other teachers.

  3. This is a great way to keep them organized and handy! Thanks for sharing!


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