I am obsessed with Lois Ehlert's Leaf man book! We took a field trip to an Arboretum this week, so this leaf activity just fit right in! We'd read the book several times throughout the week and today for our harvest party, students were able to create their own leaf men. *I sent a note home inside of a small baggie, earlier, asking parents to help their child collect various nature items for their baggies (leaves, twigs, acorns, buckeyes, etc...). The students could create whatever they wished with their materials. I had them use Elmer's glue for the leaves and smaller items. For the heavier items, such as acorns and buckeyes, they brought them to me and I hot glued them where they chose. I just love doing this project...they turn out adorable!
Would you believe I had my kids do the same activity just a few weeks ago. I went step further and had the students cut & paste, in order, the sentence, A Leaf Man's got to go where the wind blows. It is a very nice Fall activity. Although I've got to remember to let them pick up twigs for the arms and legs next year. It was a bit difficult finding small enough or skinny enough leaves for the arms and legs.